Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Was Issued An Arrest Warrant After SCRAM Bracelet Indicated Alcohol Presence

Shawn Chapman Holley, Lohan's lawyer, told TMZ that Lindsay's SCRAM bracelet "indicated the presence of a small amount of alcohol on Sunday night." However, "Lohan maintains that she has been in complete compliance with all the terms of her probation and her bail."

So choices would be that Lindsay did go against the probation or there was a malfunction with the device.

According to a source in the company that makes SCRAM bracelets, the device was triggered by the presence of alcohol and that it didn't have any mistakes or malfunctions.

The judge issued a warrant for Lindsay's arrest and the bail is set at $200,000.

After the judge announced the decision, Lohan tweeted, "I did not violate anything at all."

The star's alcohol-monitoring device went off last Sunday evening at an after party of an awards show, MTV Movie Awards, where the device was triggered.

The SCRAM bracelet is a device that calculates alcohol levels through perspiration.

The actress was told by Judge Revel last May 24 that she must wear the SCRAM, abstain from alcohol, submit to a random drug testing, and must stay within the Los Angeles area.

After reports broke that her ankle bracelet had gone off, the star then announced on her Twitter, "My scram wasn't set off. Its physically impossible considering I've nothing for it to go off -- All of these false reports are absolutely wrong."

Read related articles: Lindsay Lohan's SCRAM Anklet Went Off at Party
: Arrest Warrant Issued for Lindsay Lohan for SCRAM Violation

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