Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fact: Britney Humiliates Waitress And Boyfriend

Britney Spears had a huge fight with her boyfriend, Jason Trawick, at the Mondrian hotel in Los Angeles. Trawick, who used to be Brit's manager, and Spears argued over dinner on Thursday. According to reports, Britney was rude to the restaurant's waitress and then started arguing with Jason. Britney announced that she wanted to leave after 30 minutes of arguing and abruptly left the table and headed towards the backdoor of the hotel. Jason, ran after her trying to calm her down. According to witnesses, Britney looked furious.

What Farm Bill has to say over Brit:

I guess we all have our bad days right? But still, it's no excuse for what Britney did, especially to the waitress. I feel sorry for Jason. But thinking about it, we all argue with our lover's right? I guess in the end of the day, it'll make their relationship even firmer and better. ;)

Related articles: Brit Brit Blows Up On BF!
: Britney Spears fights beau

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