Monday, May 31, 2010

Fact: Madonna Helps Free Gay Couple In Malawi

Madonna, after hearing the news that a gay couple in Malawi were sent to bars because of their sexual orientation, made a stand and helped them to be set free. The Malawian couple were sentenced to 14 years hard labor for the "crime" of "homosexuality". Homosexuality is still illegal in the African country for according to the government it is indecent and is an unnatural act. On May 21, Madonna made a response to the Malawi Court's Decision and launched a vocal campaign to free the two men.

"I am shocked and saddened by the decision made today by the Malawian court, which sentenced two innocent men to prison.

As a matter of principle, I believe in equal rights for all people, no matter what their gender, race, color, religion, or sexual orientation.

Today, Malawi took a giant step backward. The world is filled with pain and suffering; therefore, we must support our basic human right to love and be loved.

I call upon the progressive men and women of Malawi—and around the world—to challenge this decision in the name of human dignity and equal rights for all."

Today, Madonna is celebrating the release of the couple, Steven Monjenza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga. Thousands of people joined the singer's mission and it resulted for the President of Malawi to free the couple on "humanitarian" grounds. But activists are now concerned for their safety and are now looking for a safe place for them to live together.

Shortly after the release, Madonna thank the thousands of people who had joined her campaign to release the two men.

She wrote: “In the last week, over 30,000 of you added your name to mine calling for the release of Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalangal – the Malawi couple sentenced to 14 years hard labour for the ‘crime’ of homosexuality.

“With incredible joy, I am writing to share with you that Malawi President Bingu wa Mutharika has ordered their release.'

Although Monjeza and Chimbalanga are out of prison, activists are still working to find a safe haven for the couple.

'Though they are free from prison, sadly their safety and future in Malawi is still unknown. I hope this is just the beginning of our work together,' Madonna added.

Read Related articles: Madonna thanks fans for helping free gay couple from Malawi prison

: Madonna Responds to Malawi Court's Decision

Facts: Eva Longoria Parker Gives BIG Surprises On Husband's Birthday!

Tony Parker has been celebrating his birthday for two weeks in three different cities -Miami, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas - all thanks to his wife Eva Longoria Parker. But Eva isn't done with her gifts! She said before celebrating her husband's birthday at Las Vegas Eve Nightclub on Saturday,

"I got him a lot of things. I got him four-wheelers because he wanted a new four-wheeler, and I got him a Microsoft surface computer that he can touch and play with."

There is now one present still to be opened for Tony. He said that he is already excited to see the next surprise and shared that he didn't have a birthday wishlist.

"Whatever she gives me I’m fine with it. I’m happy."

What Farm Bill has to say:

Now that's the life of the "rich and famous"! WOW! How I wish I can have one of those gifts! Eva seems to be a really cool wife! Lucky Tony!

Read Related article: Eva Longoria Parker Splurges on Husband's Birthday!

Fact: Miley Cyrus Is Not A Gleek!

Miley Cyrus says that despite her song "The Climb" being featured on the hit TV show Glee, she can't suspend disbelief enough with the show. The 17 year old singer said on an interview for Billboard's June issue,

“Honestly, musicals? I just can’t. What if this was real life and I was just walking down the street on Rodeo Drive and all of a sudden I just burst into song about how much I love shoes?”

Cyrus then paused and added while laughing, “It would get you hits on YouTube.”

According to the teen singer, it is Lady Gaga who she look up to. “Unlike a lot of artists, all her music does mean something personally,” says Cyrus.

Read Related articles: Miley Cyrus: I Don't Get Glee

Fact: Celine Dion is Expecting Twins!

Celine Dion has always dreamed of expanding her family, and now, her dream has finally come true. The 42 year old singer's representative Kim Jakwerth confirms that after undergoing her sixth in-vitro fertilization attempt and turning to acupuncture for better chances of pregnancy, the singer is finally 14 weeks pregnant with twins. Dion welcomed her first son René-Charles on 2001, and has always been vocal of her quest of expanding their family. She will find out the gender of the twins next month. Her husband/manager René Angelil told People,

"We're ecstatic. Celine is just hoping for a healthy pregnancy. She was hoping for one baby and the news that we are having two is a double blessing!"

Read Related articles: Celine Dion: Twins On The Way!
: Celine Dion Is Pregnant - with Twins!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Personal: The Mother I Wish I Can Have Again

I grew up with a very loving mother. She's always been very supportive in everything I do. Although I can't blame my dad for being not there when we needed him 'cause he works outside the country as a seaman. Growing up, our family went through a lot of difficult times. May it be financially or emotionally. But my mom made it a point that we have everything we need. I saw my mom cry for thousands of times every time she and my dad had a fight. I wanted to help her but at that time the only thing I can do is watch my mom helplessly fighting back for her life. There was a point when I was on the 1st grade when I told my dad that I wish we could be like the families I see in school. They're all living happily. I was 7 when I told that to him. I love my dad but I can say that I'm really close to my mother. I'm really proud of being her son. When I was on 4th grade, my mom went to the States to work there. It was tough for me and my other siblings to be away from her. I can even remember when I used to hug her unwashed clothes every single night when I go to bed. I never had the clothes washed for months. It was my security blanket. When my mom got back after 6 months of being away, it was like a show on TV where we got reunited with our mother. I was really happy when I saw her getting off the plane. My mom started small businesses for her to keep earning. Unfortunately she had to close all of it and went back to the States. This time she'll be away from us for years. I was on the 6th grade when she left. That time it was harder than the first time she left us. I'll be graduating after a few months and she couldn't be there with me and so as with my dad. It was my grandma and my grandpa who went to see me end a chapter of my life and start a new one. I entered high school by myself. I took entrance exams alone, if not with my yaya. I started the first day of class without anyone taking me to school. I participated in school activities without having someone to take me pictures and be there with me applausing and congratulating me. I got my own school report card all the time. High School was really tough for me. I got bullied and I was called different names but I had to be strong. And I did. Months before I graduated from high school my mom told me that she'll be coming home for my graduation. I got really excited to see her. But months after, she said she wouldn't make it. Fortunately for me, my dad was there. My mom and my dad are still not in good terms but I've always been on my mom's side until she changed. She hated me. According to her I look just like my father and that we are very much alike. I had attempts of ending my life but nothing worked. I guess you can never end your life unless it's your time. Earlier this year me and my mom got really close again. She loved me just as how she did when I was younger. 2 months ago, me and my mom talked on the phone and out of nowhere she got mad at me and told me never to talk to her ever again. I did what she told me but when mother's day came I greeted her but she placed the phone down as soon as I was about to speak a word. I texted her but got no reply. I miss her! I love her! I'll do everything for her! All I want is to have my mom again. I don't wanna live my life knowing that there's an empty space needed to be filled. I'm still looking forward for the future with a positive mindset. I know that a mother will never abandon her child despite everything. Now, all i can do is wait and pray, hoping that she'll be back with her arms opening wide ready to hug me and shower me with her love again.

Hollywood Actor/Director Dennis Hopper Dies at 74

Hollywood actor Dennis Hopper died at age 74 last Saturday at his home in the coastal Los Angeles suburb of Venice due to complications from prostate cancer. Hopper was diagnosed with the illness on October last year. In January this year, it was reported that Hopper's cancer has metastasized his bones. Hopper was twice nominated at Oscars and earned a star at the Walk of Fame earlier this year. Hopper directed and starred in the film "Easy Rider" which won him an award at Cannes Film Festival and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best original Screenplay as co-writer. The film was a counterculture film, and a "touchstone for a generation" that "captured the national imagination", Easy Rider explores the societal landscape, issues, and tensions in the United States during the 1960s. The film also became famous for it's use of real drugs in its portrayal of marijuana and other substances. Hopper also directed and starred in few more films after and appeared in the TV series Crash.

What Farm Bill has to say:

"It's so sad that a lot of celebrities died this May. Gary Coleman just died and now, Dennis Hopper. Everyone must be mourning for the lost of these two great actors. My condolences goes out to their loved ones. RIP"

Related articles/links: Hollywood Wild Man Dennis Hopper Dies at 74
: Dennis Hopper Has Passed Away

Ke$ha Sued By Former Managers For Dumping Them!

Ke$ha's former managers DAS Communications filed a lawsuit against the 23 year old chart-topping singer. Her former managers said that the pop star squeezed them out of her career under pressure from hit songwriter Dr.Luke. They also added that they were by her side when she was still an up-and-comer in 2006.

The singer's lawyer, Charles Ortner, said that she was entitled to exercise her rights and end her relationship with the firm, headed by David Sonenberg . DAS Communications sued Ke$ha on Wednesday in the state court of Manhattan.

The TikTok singer had an agreement with DAS which states that the contract lets her end the relationship if she didn't get a major-label record in a year. A year later there was no deal. DAS says Ke$ha waved the deadline, and the firm went on to line up a deal for her with Warner Bros. Records in 2008 . The firm said that Dr. Luke came into the picture and "induced, intimidated and convinced Ke$ha" to cut ties with them.

The lawsuit filed in the state court of Manhattan seeks more than $14 million in damages from her and $12 million from Dr. Luke.

Dr. Luke
is an award-winning songwriter who wrote five of the top hits of 2009, including
Katy Perry's "Hot N Cold," Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA" and Flo Rida's "Right Round."

Related Articles: Pop Star Ke$ha Sued For Dumping Former Managers
: Ke$ha Sued By Former Managers
: Pop star sued by former managers

Fact: Alicia Keys is Pregnant!

Alicia Augello Cook better known by her stage name Alicia Keys is pregnant. The news was confirmed by the R&B singer's representatives. The Grammy award-winning singer is expecting her first child from fiance, producer/DJ/rapper Swizz Beatz. The couple is engaged and is said to be married later this year. Beatz, whose real name is Kasseem Dean, already has two sons. He had his first son from his marriage to Mashonda Tifrere and his second was from a previous relationship. The couple have known each other for several years and has been really good friends and even worked together for Keys's current album, "The Element of Freedom." Alicia's child, will be Beatz 3rd 1st child from three different women.

Farm Bill's reaction baby!:

"I'm happy for the both of them but I'm not giving Beatz my full trust. If ever this man won't start learning the lesson of being "faithful," then I don't think it'll work out for the both of them. Alicia, "WATCH OUT!" What do you think? Comment! Comment! Comment! This is pretty exciting!"

Related article: Alicia Keys is expecting a baby

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Actor Gary Coleman Died At Age 42

After suffering from an intercranial hemorrhage, actor Gary Coleman already passed away. Coleman was sent to the Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo,Utah conscious and lucid but soon after went into coma and life support for at least a day, but then his family decided to remove him from the machine which was keeping him alive. Various celebrities have already taken to twitter their condolences. Few names include: Katy Perry, Ashton Kutcher, Soleil Moone Frye, Paula Abdul, Alyssa Milano, Oma Epps, Eliza Dushku, and Ryan Seacrest.

Read Related Articles: Gary Coleman Dead at AGe of 42

Friday, May 28, 2010

Harry Potter Stars Emotional As Shooting Of The Last Harry Potter Film Nears To An End

With only 2 more weeks left for the shooting of the final Harry Potter film, stars Danielle Radcliffe and Emma Watson are facing the end of a magical journey. Radcliffe said at the Movie Awards in London that he will be devastated when it's over.

"There is nothing I watch without it triggering a series of memories. Everything [about the films] is so linked to my life. At the same time, it is exciting. It is the end."

Watson on the other hand said that she feels like someone is dying and added that she never expected how big the film would be and said that she's really proud.

Producer David Heyman said that the crew are currently shooting in London for the film's final scenes of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. According to the producer, the shooting is set to finish in two weeks time and said, "It is a very strange feeling. We have been 10 years together."

Read full article: Harry Potter Stars Emotional as They Set to Wrap Final Film

True Blood's Ryan Kwanten Passed Nudity Mantel To The Rest Of The Cast

Ryan Kwanten has been an expert of nudity on the TV series 'True Blood', as the resident mortal hunk. Kwanten has been forced to shoot a number of sex scenes as Jason Stackhouse over the course of the past few years without having to worry much about a wardrobe. When asked what advice the guy have for his fellow Bon Temps players? In an interview with PeopleMagazine, Kwanten answered this way:

“To tie the “modesty sock” on really tight, because you don’t want that thing coming off, because there will be evidence of that forever,” Kwanten says, laughing.

Kwanten also revealed that he has passed on the nudity mantel to the rest of the cast.

“Some of the other cast members have taken on the throne.”

As the 3rd season of the HBO hit series prepares for it's premiere on the 13th of June, everyone must look out as the rest of the cast will be doing the bulk of the flesh-baring.

Related articles: True Blood's Ryan Kwanten Gives His Cast Nudity Advice
: 'True Blood': Jason Stackhouse explains the art of nudity

Fact: Actor Gary Coleman In Critical Condition

Gary Coleman, a famous actor back in the 90's, with hit TV show "Diff'rent Strokes," is in a coma after a fall which earned him head injuries. According to reports, Coleman is yet unconscious and has suffered intracranial hemorrhage. Coleman's wife has released a brief statement asking for support.

"Gary was taken to the hospital with a serious medical problem yesterday, we are asking for everyone's prayers at this time. We hope those prayers are answered and that Gary will be able to recover and return home soon."

Farm Bill's reaction!:

~I am a fan of Gary Coleman and my prayers goes out to him and his family~

Related articles: Gary Coleman has slipped into a Coma
: Gary Coleman in coma after a fall
: TV star Gary Coleman in critical condition

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fact: OPRAH's Angel Network Closing Down

As of May 24 this year, Oprah's Angel Network is no longer accepting donations and has officially made an announcement that it will also end it's grant making program.

The organization was started by Winfrey back in 1998 with a goal of improving the lives of others. The Network has been able to award funds to hundreds of organizations throughout the United States and in more than 30 countries around the world, helping numerous individuals by improving access to education, protecting basic rights and so much more.

The network is said to have donated an estimated of $80million after 12 years of operation.

"Oprah revealed that she is winding down the charitable operation as she prepares to enter talkshow on 2011." But Oprah also said that "once she starts up her new cable network, she plans to continue to highlight charitable efforts."

Related links: Oprah Drops Halo -
: Oprah's Angel Network

Rumor: Lady Gaga Collapsed because of Lupus?

After nearly collapsing on stage last March and canceling several of her shows earlier this year, The Bad Romance singer is said to have lupus. Reports said that Gaga also had an aunt who died because of the same disease.

When asked if she's already been tested, the singer says "yes," and added that she doesn't "want anyone to be worried."

"I have heart palpitations and things. But it's okay. It's just from fatigue and other things," said by Gaga to a local U.K. newspaper after telling that she fainted during her New Zealand concert because of jet lag.

As for her thin body, Gaga wants to assure her fans that she doesn't have any eating problems, but points into her really tight schedule adding that she doesn't have much time to eat.

"I really don't do drugs. I don't touch cocaine any more. I don't smoke," she says. "I take care of myself."

The singer also added that she has no plans of slowing down any time soon. So fans, Gaga is still Gaga!

Read full article:

Christina Aguilera Not Being So Bionic?

After releasing Aguilera's first single "Not Myself Tonight" from her upcoming album "Bionic," fans did not pay much attention to the song and was said to be "disastrous". The single peaked at #23 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and is slowly dropping down. Christina's second single "Woo Hoo" is off to an even worst start which peaked at #76 on the Billboard Hot 100 and might likely drop big next week and might even be out of the chart completely. Due to the flops of her singles, according to rumors, this has been one of the reasons why Aguilera's 20-date Summer Tour was canceled and moved to next year which was supposedly scheduled to begin in July. But the tour promoter, Live Nation, denied the rumors and said that the reasons behind the tour's cancellation is the singer's commitments to her film 'Berlesque' with co-star Cher and the promotion of her new album 'Bionic.' According to them, "the singer felt that she needed more time to rehearse the show and with less than a month between the album release and tour dates this wasn't possible." This statements was supported by Christina's answers on an earlier Q&A interview with PopEater. When asked of what fans should expect from her upcoming tour, the singer replied, "My plan, as I have done in the past, is not to disappoint and to put on a show that my fans will love. Fans will have to come see the show to find out what we have in store."

Related articles: Clonetina's Second Single To Be A Flop Too!
: Christina Aguilera Cancels Her Entire Summer Tour
: Christina Aguilera CANCELS Summer Tour As Single Tanks
: Christina Aguilera Promises to Wow Fans on 'Bionic' Tour -- Exclusive Q&A and Presale

Rumor: Mariah Carey is Pregnant?

After dropping out from Tyler Perry's new film on Tuesday, rumors has it that Mariah Carey is pregnant! The filming of the movie was said to start next month which is an adaptation of the 1975 play, "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enough." According to a representative of Carey, she is'nt in liberty to discuss the singer's personal life as of the moment. But fans on different social networking sites seems to agree that it is about time for the singer to have a baby for she isn't getting any younger. But could it be possible that the international award-winning singer is pregnant?

Related article: Mimi Drops Out Of Movie! Fuels Spermination Rumors!

Rumor: Studio denies what Lindsay Lohan's Lawyer told Judge

Last week Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel ordered Lohan to wear a SCRAM (Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring) ankle bracelet, a device used to monitor alcohol consumption, and to undergo a random drug testing once a week until her next court hearing on July 6. Lohan will also have to attend an alcohol counseling session once every week. There have been rumors that the singer/actress had attempts of fooling the alcohol-monitoring anklet by putting tea tree oil on and tried to stop the signal by using a paperclip but denied these allegations. However, according to a criminal defense attorney, "the star could face jail if she is caught vandalizing the device." On the other hand, Lohan's lawyer,Shawn Chapman Holley, asked Judge Revel if she could reconsider Lohan to wear the alcohol-monitoring device because it would interfere with her filming. But according to a movie studio, "Lindsay Lohan does not have a film shoot in Texas next month, contrary to what the actress's lawyer told a judge Monday."

See Related articles: Studio contradicts what Lohan lawyer told judge
:Lindsay Lohan reportedly tried to fool alcohol-monitoring anklet before

Simon Cowell Says Goodbye to Idol and Hello to X-Factor

American Idol judge Simon Cowell said that he's now leaving the popular Fox talent show American idol. After 9 Seasons on the air, the show became as the top show on television with millions of viewers all over the globe. Cowell's presence on the show has been accredited as a major reason of the show's success. The judge became very popular among the viewers for his unsugar-coated criticisms to the contestants. The 50 year old judge already signed a contract, still with Fox, for the U.S. version of his popular U.K. talent show, "The X Factor" which will be airing in the fall of 2011. Cowell will be both executive producer and judge on the said show. Though he's well paid for being a judge on "Idol" - earning an estimated $36million per season - he said that he wants to focus on "The X Factor." According to the judge, he didn't think that it's right to do two shows on America so chose to leave one and start another. Rumors also has it that Cowell's former co-judge on Idol, Paula Abdul will be judging on his upcoming show "The X Factor" but did not give any confirmation whether the rumors were true.

Related article: Simon Cowell Leaving 'American Idol'

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

American Idol Season 9 Winner is Lee DeWyze

A lot was shock when the singer from Illinois, Lee DeWyze, won and was declared as the winner of the 9th Season of American Idol. Despite his drastically worse performances than Crystal Bowersox with songs "Everybody Hurts" and "Beautiful day," the 24 year old singer was voted by America. According to some articles "it'll be hard for Lee to stand on his own, when his first single is Beautiful Day, a song once sung by the incomparable Bono. Maybe he'll need to hire more bagpipers?" Lee is set to release his album later this year, and he'll have to work harder to prove to the rest of America who did not vote for him that he deserves the top spot. Crystal Bowersox on the other hand said that she felt like she've already won by making it on the finale. “My whole life has just been a crazy series of good luck and bad luck and amazing coincidences,” Bowersox told The Blade (an online based news-site in Toledo,Ohio). “I believe in fate. No matter what happens, I plan on working in this industry and pursuing music and just sticking to it.” Starting July 1st DeWyze and Bowersox are set to hit the road for American Idol Tour together with the other top 10 finalists.

Related articles : Crystal Bowersox: 'I feel like I've already won' Lee DeWyze name American Idol
: 'American Idol' Still A Boys' Club: Lee DeWyze Wins

Rumor: Britney Spears Wants to be Frozen After Death?

In an online news site, The Sun, It is said that "Britney wants to be frozen after her death - so she can be brought back to life later". "The pop star wants to be preserved in Liquid Nitrogen so that future generations can enjoy her dance routines in red plastic catsuits. It is said that she is investing in a firm which specializes in "cyrogenic" freezing. Everything started when the singer knew about Walt Disney's body being preserved after his death which according to myths will bring him back in the future. "Brit found the whole thing so interesting she spent most of her Mother's Day trip to Disneyland researching the subject on the internet while a nanny took the boys around the park". She also had the an idea in mind of her ashes being turned into diamonds but got caught up with the possibility of returning back in the future. On the other news, Britney is now #1 on Twitter as the most followed person on the said social networking site.

For more information about this story click this: It's a little Brit chilly

Greyson Chance to be Ellen's First Artist in Upcoming Label

Greyson Michael Chance
is a 12 year old singer discovered by Ellen Degeneres on Youtube. Greyson's Lady Gaga Cover of Paparazzi in a sixth-grade music festival was seen by Ellen and she immediately asked him to come to her show. Greyson shared to Ellen how he found out that he'll be on her show.

" I was sitting in Math class and I got a text from my mom which said call me asap. I finally excused myself from class and called and she said that the Ellen producer just called and I said no they didn't"

Greyson further shared that when he went home his mom told him to pack immediately for their flight to L.A. Greyson performed Lady Gaga's Paparazzi at the show and just after a week, he had more than 20 million hits on Youtube. Greyson was invited again to the show a week after to share a very important announcement. Everyone were surprise when Ellen Degeneres told the audience that she'll be starting her own label "Eleveneleven" and Greyson will be her first featured artist. Since appearing on the show Greyson was compared to Justin Bieber and had his own circle of fans.

Click to Watch videos
: Greyson Chance Singing Paparazzi
Greyson Chance on Ellen
Ellen and Greyson's Big Announcement

Facts: Gaga Spends to Disappear?

On an article at, the 24 year-old singer said that she only spends her money on her shows and on evading the paparazzi's so that she can disappear. Gaga also said on an interview with the Times that she doesn't really like spending money and doesn't really like "the fame".

See full article here: Lady Gaga spends money on disappearing

Gaga has been known by her outstanding performances and chart topping songs. Including: Poker Face, Just Dance ft.Colby O'Donis, Paparazzi, Love Game, Bad Romance, and Telephone (feat. Beyonce).

Facts: Charice on Glee Issue

Rumors spread throughout the net that Charice, an international singing sensation, will be a part of the Glee cast. Inquirer, a Philippine-based news site, had a post entitled "Charice to join American TV series Glee" last May 25 saying that Charice's PI manager Grace Mendoza confirmed that the international singer would be part of the said TV series. This then got everyone's attention and even became a trending topic on Twitter. The rumors even got to Perez Hilton, a known American blogger and TV personality for posts covering gossip items about musicians, actors and celebrities, and posted a blog entry of Charice being part of Glee in his website But shortly after the false alarm, Charice, who is in Japan as of this moment recording for her debut album, and her mom Raquel tweeted and denied the controversy.

"LOL. Rumors!!! I am not going to be on Glee..haha." -OfficialCharice

"thas really funny. i didn't know about the Glee. hahaha. until i saw Perez's blog. this is really confusing." -OfficialCharice

"I just want to let you all know, that it's not true that i'm going to be on Glee... How i wish! haha." -OfficialCharice

Okay, erase it! No Charice on Glee. aryt? hahaha!" -OfficialCharice

Charice on GLEE is a big lie and rumor, this is not true! Retweet pls" -MommyRaqz

Facts: Pinoy Big Brother Teen Clash of 2010 Buzz

The Philippines version of the popular tv reality show The Big Brother House, Pinoy Big Brother Teen Clash 2010, is getting more interesting. With Big Brother's decision of having the Teenternationals (a group of teens of different nationalities), the race to the finish becomes tougher. Currently, the Teenternationals have won 3 spots for the Finals while the Pinoy Teen Housemates only have 1 spot. With the tension rising among the two teams, will their friendship last 'til the end? Is there still an opportunity for the Pinoy Teen Housemates to steal few more spots from the Teenternationals for the Big Night? That's what everyone's asking and what Big Brother has to reveal on the upcoming days. With only few weeks remaining, the Pinoy Teen Housemates and the Teenternationals will still have to prove they're worth of making it on top. Who will make it all the way? Who is your bet? Watch, Vote and Pray!