Monday, May 31, 2010

Fact: Celine Dion is Expecting Twins!

Celine Dion has always dreamed of expanding her family, and now, her dream has finally come true. The 42 year old singer's representative Kim Jakwerth confirms that after undergoing her sixth in-vitro fertilization attempt and turning to acupuncture for better chances of pregnancy, the singer is finally 14 weeks pregnant with twins. Dion welcomed her first son René-Charles on 2001, and has always been vocal of her quest of expanding their family. She will find out the gender of the twins next month. Her husband/manager René Angelil told People,

"We're ecstatic. Celine is just hoping for a healthy pregnancy. She was hoping for one baby and the news that we are having two is a double blessing!"

Read Related articles: Celine Dion: Twins On The Way!
: Celine Dion Is Pregnant - with Twins!

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